miércoles, 26 de febrero de 2014

Past Progressive Negations - Exercise 1

Example: Maggie _____________ volleyball.            (not/to play)
Answer: Maggie was not playing volleyball. // Maggie wasn't playing volleyball.

1) She __________ a cheeseburger.            (not/to eat)
2) They __________ pictures.            (not/to paint)
3) The teacher __________ the window.            (not/to open)
4) Johnny __________ his bike.            (not/to ride)
5) We __________ on the computer.            (not/to work)
6) Doris __________ the news on TV.            (not/to watch)
7) I __________ the trumpet.            (not/to practise)
8) The friends __________ songs.            (not/to sing)
9) Steve __________ a cigarette.            (not/to smoke)
10) Sam and Liz __________ at a poster. (not/to look)

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