miércoles, 26 de febrero de 2014

Past Progressive Questions - Exercise 1

Example: __________ she _______ a book?            (to read)
Answer:   Was she reading a book?

1) __________ Ashley __________ on the computer? (to work)
2) __________ they __________ the bike? (to repair)
3) __________ Melissa __________ out a book? (to take)
4) __________ you __________ to music? (to listen)
5) __________ Nicolas __________ at a picture? (to look)
6) __________ Emma and Bertha __________ their friend? (to phone)
7) __________ the girl __________ the window? (to open)
8) __________ he __________ judo? (to do)
9) __________ the friends __________ home from school? (to come)
10) __________ Tyler __________ with the cooking? (to help)

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