martes, 26 de enero de 2016


Does she use the stick to turn on the projector?
Does the man help you with the bag?
Does your cousin drink tea at night?
Does my dog need to visit the veterinarian?
Does the classroom have a telephone line?
Does the group finish the exercise?
Does the new principal live in Tlaxcala?
Does the therapist use electricity?
Does F wear a red scarf?
Does she take a shower in the morning?

Do you and your family go to La Malintzi?
Do your brother and your sister use hairspray?
Do you eat cereal?
Do I enjoy my job?
Do I and my friend play volleyball?

Are you and me listening to music?
Are you and your classmate sitting?
Are the students copying the information?
Are we preparing for the exam on Friday?
Are the governors meeting in Veracruz?

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